
Daycare Exercises, 
Enriches, & Socializes

Why is Daycare Important? 

  • Exercise – it’s essential to a dog’s physical health. You use it, or you lose it! So making sure your canine gets out and plays during the day can lead to a long and happy life! 
  • Enrichment – dogs are not only in need of exercising their bodies but also their minds! Our targeted activities, challenges, toys, and games all help to make sure your canine is engaged and learning through out the day! 
  • Socialization – making sure your canine meets new people and other dogs ensures their ability to be friendly and ready to go anywhere or meet anyone you may come in contact with!
We are experts in canine behavior, so making sure they are appropriately responding to new pups and peeps is something we can safely oversee! 

Why Should You Use Our Daycare Service?

We are small-scale family owned canine center with a deep passion and understanding of canines from all walks of life. From our medical and training background to our personal love for canines we have what it takes to ensure their safety, comfort, and happiness!

We take the time each day to make sure every canine that comes to us is pampered or active in their own special way! With new activities all the time and constant pampering, we do it the Wright Way! Feel free to check out our activities on our facebook, @wrightwaycanine.

What Does it Cost?

  • Daycare - $20 per day, per pet.
  • Daycare Package - $90 for 5 passes, redeemable anytime. ($18 per day, per pet)
Visit us
311 S Sunnylane Rd,
Del City, OK 73115.
Follow us on Facebook to see our daycare activities @wrightwaycanine
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